Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Operation description Markdown.
requestBody description
productCode | string non-empty Product SKU (should be unique) |
productName | string non-empty Product name |
productType | string non-empty Product type (category) |
barcode | string Barcode |
unitsPerCase | integer Number of items in a case / box |
lastCost | number <double> Last cost |
{- "productCode": "COKE01",
- "productName": "Coca Cola Can",
- "productType": "Cold Drinks",
- "barcode": "5449000000996",
- "unitsPerCase": 24,
- "lastCost": 0
{- "productCode": "COKE01",
- "productName": "Coca Cola Can",
- "productType": "Cold Drinks",
- "barcode": "5449000000996",
- "unitsPerCase": 24,
- "lastCost": 0
This can only be done by the logged in user.
productCode required | string The code of the product that needs to be updated |
Updated product object
productCode | string non-empty Product SKU (should be unique) |
productName | string non-empty Product name |
productType | string non-empty Product type (category) |
barcode | string Barcode |
unitsPerCase | integer Number of items in a case / box |
lastCost | number <double> Last cost |
{- "productCode": "COKE01",
- "productName": "Coca Cola Can",
- "productType": "Cold Drinks",
- "barcode": "5449000000996",
- "unitsPerCase": 24,
- "lastCost": 0
{- "productCode": "COKE01",
- "productName": "Coca Cola Can",
- "productType": "Cold Drinks",
- "barcode": "5449000000996",
- "unitsPerCase": 24,
- "lastCost": 0
Operation description Markdown.
requestBody description
machineCode | string non-empty Machine code (should be unique) |
machineName | string non-empty Machine name |
machineType | string non-empty Enum: "Soda" "Snack" "Coffee" "Soda/Snack" "Snack/Coffee" Machine type |
machineModel | string Machine model |
locationName | string Location name |
{- "machineCode": "CD001",
- "machineName": "Soda machine first floor",
- "machineType": "Soda",
- "machineModel": "Dixie Narco",
- "locationName": "string"
{- "machineCode": "CD001",
- "machineName": "Soda machine first floor",
- "machineType": "Soda",
- "machineModel": "Dixie Narco",
- "locationName": "string"
This can only be done by the logged in user.
Updated machine object
machineCode | string non-empty Machine code (should be unique) |
machineName | string non-empty Machine name |
machineType | string non-empty Enum: "Soda" "Snack" "Coffee" "Soda/Snack" "Snack/Coffee" Machine type |
machineModel | string Machine model |
locationName | string Location name |
{- "machineCode": "CD001",
- "machineName": "Soda machine first floor",
- "machineType": "Soda",
- "machineModel": "Dixie Narco",
- "locationName": "string"
{- "machineCode": "CD001",
- "machineName": "Soda machine first floor",
- "machineType": "Soda",
- "machineModel": "Dixie Narco",
- "locationName": "string"
This can only be done by the logged in user.
machineCode required | string The code of the machine |
[- {
- "column": "A1",
- "columnType": "soda",
- "productCode": "COKE01",
- "productName": "Coca Cola Can",
- "productType": "Cold Drinks",
- "vendPrice": 0,
- "maxCapacity": 0,
- "lastCount": 0
This can only be done by the logged in user.
machineCode required | string The code of the machine that needs to be updated |
Updated machine object
column | string non-empty The item selection (should be unique) |
columnType | string Enum: "soda" "drink" "ingredient" The type of the column |
productCode | string non-empty Product SKU (should be unique) |
productName | string non-empty Product name |
productType | string non-empty Product type (category) |
vendPrice | number <double> Vend price |
maxCapacity | integer Capacity of the column |
lastCount | integer The last fill level (for soda columns) |
[- {
- "column": "A1",
- "columnType": "soda",
- "productCode": "COKE01",
- "productName": "Coca Cola Can",
- "productType": "Cold Drinks",
- "vendPrice": 0,
- "maxCapacity": 0,
- "lastCount": 0
This can only be done by the logged in user.
machineCode required | string The code of the machine that needs to be updated |
Refill object
refillTime | string <date-time> Timestamp of the refill |
driverEmail | string The email of the driver |
driverUsername | string The username of the driver |
cashCollected | boolean A flag showing whether the cash has been collected during the visit |
cashCollectedAmount | number <double> The cash collected from the machine |
Array of objects (RefillColumn) The item selection (should be unique) |
{- "refillTime": "2023-07-12 07:20:50",
- "driverEmail": "string",
- "driverUsername": "string",
- "cashCollected": true,
- "cashCollectedAmount": 0,
- "columns": [
- {
- "column": "A1",
- "newProductCode": "string",
- "newPrice": 0,
- "newCount": 0
[- {
- "locationCode": "L001",
- "locationName": "Casa Estates",
- "addressLine1": "string",
- "addressLine2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zipCode": "string"
Operation description Markdown.
requestBody description
purchaseDate | string <date> non-empty Date of the purchase |
supplierName | string non-empty Name of the supplier |
invoiceNumber | string non-empty Invoice number |
shippingCost | number <double> Shipping Cost |
salesTax | number <double> Sales Tax |
Array of objects (PurchaseLineItem) Purchase line items |
{- "purchaseDate": "2023-07-12",
- "supplierName": "string",
- "invoiceNumber": "string",
- "shippingCost": 0,
- "salesTax": 0,
- "lineItems": [
- {
- "productCode": "COKE01",
- "productName": "Coca Cola Can",
- "productType": "Cold Drinks",
- "numberCases": 0,
- "costPerCase": 0,
- "unitsPerCase": 0,
- "numberUnits": 0,
- "unitCost": 0
{- "purchaseDate": "2023-07-12",
- "supplierName": "string",
- "invoiceNumber": "string",
- "shippingCost": 0,
- "salesTax": 0,
- "lineItems": [
- {
- "productCode": "COKE01",
- "productName": "Coca Cola Can",
- "productType": "Cold Drinks",
- "numberCases": 0,
- "costPerCase": 0,
- "unitsPerCase": 0,
- "numberUnits": 0,
- "unitCost": 0